Education and Training Services

  • P+ Farms
  • Education and Training Services


Farm School

Albesa Ramadera has signed a collaboration agreement with the Department of Animal Production of the University of Lleida (UdL) to offer practical classes to students from the Bachelor of Science and Animal Health and the Master of Swine Health and Production, jointly taught with the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Zaragoza.

We also collaborate with the Spanish Department of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing, Nutrition and Natural Environment, which regularly sends students and professionals of the industry our way, in order for us to teach them and help them to consolidate their technical knowledge.



Given the high number of classes taught, as well as for health safety reasons, Albesa Ramadera has in one of its wings a room with an ample window from which the gestation area can be seen. This room is conveniently furnished to impart classes and receive visits and has capacity for 60 people.

We also offer the CAM TOUR” service, thanks to which, from the previously mentioned room, and without the need to put in danger the health safety barrier of Albesa Ramadera, shows the farm in real-time, thanks to a camera held by one of our operators working inside and a bidirectional sound system.

Our facility is already a formation referent for technicians interested in new technologies and we offer a three-week course certified by the University of Lleida in which our students get the preparation necessary to manage a technified swine production facility.